[gs-code-review] 32-bit number is used to make 64-bit mask
Alex Cherepanov
2008-12-26 03:07:59 UTC
MSVC 8 thinks that 32-bit type is unlikely to be suitable to make 64-nit
mask. I tend to agree but the owner's review is appreciated.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: gs/base/gdevplnx.c
--- gs/base/gdevplnx.c (revision 9301)
+++ gs/base/gdevplnx.c (working copy)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
ppdc->colors.colored.c_base[i] = 0;
ppdc->colors.colored.c_level[i] = 0;
- ppdc->colors.colored.plane_mask &= 1 << plane;
+ ppdc->colors.colored.plane_mask &= (gx_color_index)1 << plane;
if (ppdc->colors.colored.c_level[plane] == 0) {
gx_devn_reduce_colored_halftone(ppdc, (gx_device *)edev);
ppdc->colors.pure = COLOR_PIXEL(edev, ppdc->colors.pure);
